This technology comes from Finland and is suitable for food factories, warehouses, laboratories, computer rooms, schools, hospitals, cinemas, shopping centers, libraries, galleries, museums, houses and other indoor places. It not only creates healthy and comfortable indoor air quality, but also has the advantages of lower energy consumption, energy conservation and environmental protection.

Technical description

One of the main functions of the system is to reduce the absolute humidity and increase thermal comfort by using the energy of recovering the water that the air reduces before entering the building, removing carbon dioxide, radon, total volatile organic compounds, bacteria, mold, mold and germs from the air.There is no air circulation, 100% air is provided outside, and the system is 60% more efficient than conventional HVAC methods.

Technical application field

The technology is mainly used in food factories, warehouses, laboratories, computer rooms, schools, hospitals, cinemas, shopping centers, libraries, galleries, museums, housing and other places

Technical characteristics

System life cycle cost and operating cost reduced by 80%;

10-15% reduction in construction infrastructure investment;

Healthy and comfortable indoor air quality;

Use less energy, save energy and protect the environment.

Technical route

1. Air is introduced from the outside and pollutants are filtered out

2. The first stage of dehumidification is pre-cooling/heating with the exhaust air

3. Remove excess moisture from the air, and the recovered energy can be stored and used as hot water

4. Excess moisture in the air is used as waste water

5. After dehumidification, the cold air and return air are preheated

6, return air contains dust, moisture, carbon dioxide, and is filtered to minimize the maintenance of the machine

7. The return air is discharged after the extraction of water and energy

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  • 主办单位:国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟
  • 技术支持电话:022-66371809
  • 版权所有:天津泰达低碳经济促进中心有限公司(国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟秘书处)
  • 京ICP备2020035841号-2
  • 网站管理及技术支持:国家级经开区绿色发展联盟绿色数据中心

